Align Body - Relieve Pain - Improve Wellness - Enhance Performance

Bodywork Ultra LLC
Bonnie Kimble, LMT, BCTMB


 Location TBD


Meet your therapist

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Bonnie Kimble is a nationally certified Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) who received her certification from ASHA, the Academy of Somatic Healing Arts massage school, just outside of Atlanta, GA.  ASHA was a COMTA accredited and nationally recognized massage school.

She has personally experienced the frustration of athletic injuries that hindered the enjoyment of doing what she loved.  Being a runner for over 40 years can cause an ache or pain every once and a while.  She was sidelined for almost one year with a running injury that orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists could not diagnose.  Instead of giving up running, which was a large part of who she was, she eventually looked into massage therapy.  Massage/bodywork eventually got her back on the road running again without invasive procedures, and back onto the path of physical fitness and wellness.  She is now pursuing her dream of offering this healthcare alternative to others.   

She is certified by the National Certification of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB), and is also a professional member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). 

Bonnie is passionate about getting you back to a pain-free, physically balanced state so you can get out to enjoy your passions….be it running your first 5K, competing in an Ironman or Ultra, or just enjoying playing in the backyard with your kids or grandkids!

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Bodywork Ultra